국제경영 이론연구

송재용 교수님의 국제경영 이론연구 강의

국제경영 이론연구


과목 개요

본 교과목은 석박사과정 학생들이 전략 및 국제경영 분야의 주요이론을 학습하고 이에 대한 비판적 시각을 기르는 것을 목표로 한다. 더불어 분야의 주요 논문을 학습함으로써 학생들이 석박사 논문을 준비하는데 필수적인 논증과 실증 역량을 갖추는 것을 돕는다. 교과에서 주로 다루는 전략 및 국제경영 분야의 주요 이론은 경쟁전략, 경영자원론, 다각 화 전략, 전사적략 (M&A, Alliance), 혁신 전략, 기업가정신, 플랫폼 전략, 글로벌 전략 등 이다. 

This graduate seminar constitutes a broad overview and critical review of the seminal literature in strategic management and international business. It provides an overall introduction to the field and fundamental understanding for the students’ future theoretical and empirical work. The course will discuss fundamental paradigms of strategic management, including competitive strategy, resource-based view of the firm, corporate strategy (e.g., M&A, Strategic Alliances), technological innovation, corporate entrepreneurship, platform strategy, international strategy. 

Evaluation criteria 

- Weekly assignment: 40% 

- Exam: 30% 

- Participation/Presentation: 30% 

Course Objectives 

• Become familiar with relevant theoretical framework, research topics, and empirical methods 

• Develop skills in evaluating and writing academic papers 

• Develop new research questions within the strategy field. 

Class Presentation/participation (30%) 

Each day will be devoted to one or more of the topics as indicated in the outline. All students will be responsible for a common set of readings. From the week 2, students will be assigned as discussion leaders for each paper. When reading and presenting a paper, you shall analyze. 

A. The motivation 

a. Is the research question interesting? 

b. Is the research question important? 

c. Have the authors justified why the question has been inadequately addressed or has been overlooked in prior literature? 

B. The literature review 

a. Do they review the literature relevant to the research question?

b. Do they draw helpful inferences from this literature review? 

C. The theory 

a. Is it clear which theory or theories the authors draw from to develop their hypotheses? 

b. Are theories correctly characterized by the authors? 

c. Does the theoretical development consider a “crucial test” of alternative theories that might explain the phenomenon similarly? 

D. The Data 

a. Is the context of the data appropriate for the research question? 

Ex> Appropriate choice of industry, country, etc. 

b. Are the data collection efforts unbiased? 

c. Does the data offer adequate control variables to control for alternative theories predicting the same phenomenon? 

d. Are the variables measured in a reasonable way? 

i. Consistent with theory ii. Follows precedent studies 

E. The Methods (Identification Strategy) 

a. Are the methods consistent with the theory? 

b. Do they control for potential bias? (e.g., selection bias, endogeneity bias) 

c. Are they sophisticated enough? 

d. Do they demonstrate economic importance? 

F. The discussion 

a. Does it correctly reconcile the theory and evidence found in the paper? 

b. Does it place the paper in the context of the larger literature? 

c. Does it identify limitations and opportunities for future research? 

Weekly assignment: 

1 Page summary and extension (40%) You are responsible for submitting 1 page summary and extension starting from Week 2. For this assignment, you may choose from any of the assigned papers for that day. Presenters for the day do not have to submit the 1 page summary for the day. The assignment should have a “very short summary of the paper” (approximately 1 paragraph) and “relatively detailed” idea of empirical limitation, potential remedy, and potential extension of the method section (approximately 2~3 paragraphs). This exercise should be somewhat similar to writing a short version of review for A-level journal submission. 

Final Exam (30%) 

A final exam will be held in the last day of the semester. It will be an essay exam. More details will as the semester progresses.